Eh, enough of that nonsense.
I just couldn't think of anything else to write ^^

Anyhoo so I wandered over to Sassy kitty  and checked around for the hunt items there.
I found this fantastic dress from the Dirty Turkey Hunt..
Go get it .. 
not shown here but the shoes are AMAZING.. 
And did I mention FREE?

Also I am a group member of Posies.. 
This group is great the creator is so generous.
The poses I am using today are from the November group gift . 
It's called Sorcerer and comes with the orb. 
How fun !!
Thank you Posies!

Like my shape? 
You can grab it FREE @ amperlope 

Also worn in this post.

 Lashes: amperlope (not free but not expensive)
Hair: Raspberry Aristocrat  ~ Chai anxiety hair~(FREE)
Skin: Mynerva ~Plain Jane (Not free)
