Hump Day Hurrah

Morning Dolls!

Some super sweet things to show you today.

The rain is coming here, makes me wanna curl up into a ball and hide till it's over. The rain is a pain. 

I'll babble atcha more tomorrow.
Oh yeah! 

Because we can.


  • Hair - MINA Hair | Edith | By Mina Nakamura | @ Geeks'n'Nerds
  • Skin - Lumae | Jewel - 4 - Peach |Plum Delight | By Lumiya Rae | 75L LAZY SUNDAY UNTIL NOV 7TH
  • Shape - Enfant | Sarang | By Sopha Portal.
  • Eyes -  AVELINE | Doll-Hazel | By giggle Solo | FREE ON MARKETPLACE
  • Dress - Gypsy Chic | Bohemian White Dress | By crisshoney Violet | @ THE BOHO CULTURE FAIR
  • Sign - floorplan. | paris marquee | By Tegan Serin. 
  • Pose - Kirin | Burlesque Poses / Cane Pose 4 | By Carolina Sautereau | 
