Man oh man

Good morning! 
Happy Christmas Eve!

This post all started with one of my daily visits to the Kitty CatS SIM , you remember, to their free month long advent calendar?

Well one day, there was a gift from Nivaro. It was this beard stubble.
You still have time to go and grab all the Free Gifts)

 Now I normally would have no use for a beard but I decided to challenge myself and see if I could make a male avatar. I pieced him together with a shape and skin from Clef de Peau That is available @ F R O S T 

I have changed his face and head sliders a bit to work with this Bade hair from Hairology But other than that, I found the shape perfect for my needs.

I am glad I parked this photo or I would have wound up at one of those mesh stores shelling out for a body I don't really need,  The urge was so strong though because ,wow I have forgotten what the basic SL shape does when bent into poses. 
I topped him off with one of my tattoos from Queen oF Ink  and declared him ready to rock.

*Personal note: Ladies, if you are making over a man I would say the first thing you need to get him is Slink feet. (There is a reason you don't see mine in this photo !)

Right that's all from me today. DO NOT FORGET, Get over to Kitty CatS SIM now, while you remember. The gifts and generosity of all the designers involved is AMAZING! Oh and did I mention they are FREE?


about a boy

- Worn - 

  • Hair - [bade] | Kai | By Melvin Bade | @ Hairology
  • Hair Base - enVOGUE | HairBase - Dark Brown | By Casandra Rain.
  • Skin/Shape - Clef de Peau | Hideo | By LaPenderiedeNicole  | @  F R O S T
  • Eyes - AVELINE | Eyes – Doll- L -Hazel | By giggle Solo.FREE ON MARKETPLACE
  • Jeans - Lenox | 2015 Denim | By Leviathan Flux.
  • Pose - {NanTra} | Casual Male | By Nancoix Urquan.
  • Lighting LUMIPro | By Stefan Buscaylet.
