Happy Birthday Shiny Shabby!

Shiny Shabby is celebrating their first anniversary!

The designers have been so generous , there are Free gifts in front of almost every booth  and just take my word for it, they are amazing!
So, thank you Designers & Organizers not only for these lovely gifts but for putting on sure a fabulous event every month. You're rocking it!
Here's some links with all the info you might need on this event:

 Shiny Shabby Anniversary Gifts.

****Please Note ****

Some of these items are located at Events right now. 

If you see a second Hyperlinked name in the credit line.

( BOLD LETTERING Different colour) like this..
  • Thingy - | Store Name | Name of Thingy | Designer's Name | NAME OF EVENT
Take The Second TP!!!! ( Hyperlink)


- Credits - 
