Year 8

8 years in Secondlife.
Although it's not as long as a lot of people, I still feel like I've been around a very VERY long time.
I've logged on every single day, minus 2 when I had no internet when there was snow.
I've loved, I've lost, I've learned, I've grown.  I feel like I should know more than I do, then other times I feel like I know too much.
My secondlife feels like a walking contradiction but this is why I log on, day after day.
Eight years of love, heartache, learning and growing.
I'm still here.
Savvy Quinn
Hair: /Wasabi Pills/ Victoria Mesh Hair - Fireworks by MissAllSunday Lemon
Head applier: [Pink Fuel] Powder Pack SL (July) by Mochi (Mochi Milena) July Powder Pack Exclusive
Body applier: [Pink Fuel] Powder Pack SL (July) by Mochi (Mochi Milena) July Powder Pack Exclusive
Head:  CATWA HEAD Lona by Catwa.Clip (Catwa Clip)
Body: Maitreya Mesh Body – Lara V4.1  By Onyx LeShelle
Eye Shadow: Eye shadow: Zibska ~ Lora by Zib (Zib Scaggs) Mesh Body Addicts Fair until August 21st  
Nails: ::SG:: RingQueen Mesh Nails by SlackGirl Mesh Body Addicts Fair until August 21st  
Shirt: MOoH! Unicorn tube top by Dalriada Delwood @ Fable until August 26th
Shorts: [BB] Booty Shorts - Tanja - Maitreya Lara by Belzebubble Mesh Body Addicts Fair until August 21st  
Pose: ::WetCat:: "Beat Junkie" by wetcat Flux
Backdrop: MINIMAL – Retro Backdrops *1* rare by Ã˜rs (Ors Quan) Rewind until September 10th 
