About Us.

 You can find us in Second Life under the names - Ember Adored & Savannah Porterfield

Ember started this little blog in 2009! Savvy joined me in  2013, Yay!

We both have a deep love for photography. Sometimes we ramble, others we  may not have a lot to say, but we always credit .

•Review Policy•

  • Please contact  / send applicable item to Ember & or Savannah in Secondlife. 
  • Please let us know if there are time constraints + all pertinent information.

•Items will be blogged if•
  1. It is quality. 
  2. It's Cool. 
  3. It's freaky like me ( No, I won't tell you who said that :P) 

•Items will not be blogged if•
  1. It is poor quality. (If there are glitches we will contact you for a fix.)
  2. Items authenticity is questionable.
 Items sent may or may not be showcased right away as we each have a long list of designers / Events who we are currently involved with & give them  promotion first; but  it will get up here eventually. Pinky swear.

•Using Blogotex?•

Just add Ember Adored & or Savannah Porterfield. We will do our best there as well.

 •Places you can find our photos and posts•↴

Thank you.

 💕 Savannah Porterfield & Ember Adored 💕
