A Hamster, A Kitchen & A House

Lameo title I know but gimmie a break it's Monday ...
So I hear about this store called Hammy~Bringing out you inner Hamster (love love love it)
I TP there. Hit up the MM board for a cuteeeeee beanbag chair.
I look around at all the awesomeness this store holds..
Kawaii living room set a cuteee bed
I had to have the hamster top hat seen in the pic
oh and did i mention the prices are way more then fair....
Search the Hammy group in world and check the past notices .....there is this awesome house in it and a kitchen to put in as well.
Thanx Fabien Lowenhar and Vista Adder for the awesomeness
(psst yay something else to add to my cupcake addiction ....Hamsters )
Things I am wearing
Hair~ Tiny Bird ~ Blogger apreciation week giftie
Skin~ Atomic ~ V.I.P Hunt gift
Dress~Pididle~mini hunt gift
Tophat~ Hammy Hamster Tophat~ Hammy 60L
Skybox ~ Group Gift ~ Search the Hammy group in world
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