Yay New Mall, New HQ New Hunt

We moved again but thats it i promise the new mall is Called UnWaNtEd

so we have a father's day hunt happening with some pretty cool prizes i made
here's the details

YAY there is a Father's Day Tresaure hunt happening at the New UnWaNtEd Mall , so you can come check out TUFT's new home and search for 15 keys to get some cool father's day pressies

All you do is

* find the keys (15 of them they are silver)
* click on them
* go back to where you landed and click on the big wodden chest to get your prezzies

The Keys are spread from where you start all around the mall to the tuft mainstore and the shops there, I made it pretty easy :)
Most of all have fun :)

<3 Jemmie
