Some stuffs

First up is this gown I got from the DSN .
It is from New Eden Designs and called Joelle.
Unfortunately none of the lm's that were included in this outfit worked.
Dunno if they are still on the grid or not.
(Go here and join the DSN)
It's worth it!
Next up is Cupcakes.
I joined the group with the help of a friend..tks Az:)
It costs like 150 to join but totally worth it.
Look at the textures in this top. A group gift!
Also in this photo I am wearing my BAX BOOTS!
And part of a group gift from Vinyl cafe (shorts and stockings) free to join.

And last but not least is this weeks freebie from LBD.
I forget the name but its got megadeath on it...

Sorry I'm so slow at getting posts out to y'all but hey I'm just sore and blah lately
Not really in the mood to blog..
Come on anyone wanna help me on a regular basis???
kisses Em
