I'm Ninja, Damn it!
Good morrrrning blog babies! I hopes you all are having an awesome morning full of squishy goodness. I logged in this morning to newness from D-Style and that makes me a happy brat! I just had to let you guys in on the not-so-secret. *leans over and whispers in your ear* "I totally lurve this store!" Take a peek down below and fall in love with meh!
Did I mention this also comes with Lola Appliers? Uh huh, sa-weet!...I know right??
Outfit: - D-Style - Terror (top, skirt, legwarmer boots, gloves & goggles)
Hair: Analog Dog - tangled - dark reds
*slips out with whispers of "go to D-Style" lingering in her wake*
Kaileebaby aka Ninja-dollie
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