Busy busy

Life has a way of kicking your butt.
Even if its in a good way.
I apologize for the sporadic posts.
Been a busy princess bee.
BUT Ducknipple just released some fantabulous new things.

First up is the Flax Skirt with a color change hud.
I paired the new Campi Top which comes in two options,  The short version, and the long version.
Plus a hud so you get like 24 different shirts in 1!

Next up is the Kimker Skirt w/hud.  Comes with 12 different patters in the hud to choose from.
And again the Campi top.  I really love this shirt.

Last but not least... 
Knikker Shorts shorts with 12 colors to choose from in the hud.
I'm a huge fan of the cut off look of these particular shorts.
The I topped this look with the Mauw Top which comes with a hud for the tank top.
The shoes are the Sneakers with Legwarmers that I had talked about a few posts ago.
You can change the legwarmers or shoestring color.

Sorry for the cut and dry!
I keep trying to post regularly, but something always seems to go awry.
But life is good and wonderful.
Luv you all!

xoxoxox - Savvy aka Princess Bee
