Feeling Cynful..

 So I was blog hopping last night and Saw that one of my all time fave bloggers Olela @ http://olela.blogspot.ca/ had posted. 
I dove in to see what goodies she had for us..
She directed us to the Cynful.
Seems it's their anniversary and  prezzies for all!!!
I grabbed them up to show you.

Here is one of a pack of 3 mesh dresses from Cynful.
Cute mesh summery, Bravo Cynful
 & thank you for the gift ♥

Betcha thought I forgot the jewelry huh?
Newp.. Here is a close up! 
Maxi Gossamer gives us  Giselle Opal Set in hot pink.
A ring for each hand, necklaces and earrings. 
Thank you for this pretty gift!
What look is complete without matchy nails?
No worries,
[ACTION]  gifts us with these hot pink stiletto nails.
Thank you Action!!
Like this skin? Yep you guessed it..FREE . 
This is from Belleza
Just beautiful, Thank you xoxo.
So get HERE !
 Like NOW as I have no idea when this generosity ends.

Other Styling credits.
Photo #1
Hair: Wasabi Pills~Claire in Dark Flame.
Head/skin: Snow Rabbit~Nea,Natural Beige.

Photo #2
Hair: LoQ ~ BerryJuice, Black.
