Humpday! \o/

Humpday is here!
Which means only 2 more days till the weekend.
And this weekend is a long one for us in the U.S.
But, before our long weekend introduction to summer, I has new things to share!
Ducknipple has released a few new things lately.

First up is TheTank w/hud.  (12 colors to choose from)
Then the Sneakers with Legwarms w/Hud (14 different colors for the legwarmers and shoelaces)
I also snuck the Laura Shorts on to finish out the outfit.

 This colorful dress is called the Tabster.  It comes with a hud that changes the main part of the dress.
Ember already showed you the boots, but I'm in love with them.
The Abba Boots w/hud have 14 different options to change their texture.

Ducknipple's mainstore can be found HERE
Their Marketplace store is HERE

xoxoxox - Savvy
