Oh Maai...

I went shopping with Ember yesterday.
(Noticing a theme?  She's totally to blame for my shopping addiction!)
We stumbled across a store I hadn't ever heard of before.
And let me tell you, as a designer myself, the textures and clothing at this store was nothing short of amazing.
Grabbed a few things to show off.
And this dress was wayyy to pretty to show off alone.

Mr Carson said we looked like angels! <3
We are both wearing:
Dress:  Maai : " Ideya " Dress
Hair:  Exile::Just a Reason: @ The Arcade

The dresses come with tango appliers and lots of flowy flexi pieces.
I love when designers combine mesh with flexi... it makes it sooo pretty.
Have a great weekend!

xoxoxox - Savvy
