F R O S T Opens Today!

 I have been a resident of Second Life for possibly to many years now , I still haven't decided if this is a good or not so good thing but I have such fond memories of the holiday season, there are so many events hunts and shops getting into the spirit of giving, F R O S T being one of them.

This is one of my favorite yearly events and I am so happy to be able to show you  so many of the designers offerings from this years line up. there are just so many excellent items for sale here, hope you managed to save some lindens !

But if you don't have much left you can still wander over and check out the Gift tree.  If you cam around as you land you will see a giant tree near one side of the SIM, under this tree are gifts! most are free, some are $1L

Check out Depraved Nation's Website while you are waiting for this event to open @ 3 PM SLT today! http://depravednation.com/archives/event/f-r-o-s-t-2015
