Into the great unknown
*Warning* This post my get a little long. So let me get the goods out first.
First. Reign is having a half off sale! Its ONLY for this weekend so hurry your rear end over and grab up those shoes or boots you have been holding off on. Its even including those awesome boots that fit with the new Blueberry jeans! Now store credit can't be used or earned during this event but half off almost everything else in the store!
Second, this dress from Blueberry... oh honey. Comes with this huge hud. Panties optional. You can change the sweater, the fur, the buttons. Totally worth the fight to get into Uber!
The goods are below.
Now for the talky part!
As we are rounding off another year, I find myself rather glad to say goodbye to 2015. While I had a lot of good, I think I'll be embracing 2016 with open arms and hoping it goes a lot better. I made a few friends. I lost a few. I reconnected with some people and boy did I learn some hard lessons.
One of the biggest things I struggle with is leaving the past in the past. This is something I plan on working on in 2016. When someone leaves my life, I'll let them. When I make a mistake, I'll not over analyze it for the next 6 months.
The future is scary. I think the biggest reason is because it is unknown. Is this going to be the greatest thing over or the biggest mistake I ever made?
I have a few of the greatest friends ever. They are my guiding lights. They are there to help me when I'm scared to make my next move. My picture today isn't just a blog picture... but I'm looking out into the unknown... and I have my light.. My friends... to help me. (okay that was corny.)
But its kind of exciting too. A new year is a chance for a fresh start. Its a chance to leave the bullshit of 2015 behind. All the angst.. all the crap that you've went through. Leave it behind. Step into 2016 and think positive. Its not easy. I know I keep getting reminders of mistakes I made. But I just try to keep my head up. I do keep a lot inside. And very... very few people know just how bad its been lately for me. But going into 2016, I'm going to try to be a more positive person. One of my favorite things in the world:

While I will probably push out at least one if not two more posts before the new year.. .this is my 'resolution' post. So here's to a new, fresh start Puddins. Mwah!
♥Savvy Quinn♥

Hair: /Wasabi Pills/ Faith Mesh Hair - Candies Pack by MissAllSunday Lemon
Skin: Lara Hurley– Maitreya Skin Appliers by Lara Hurley
Head: LeLutka Mesh Head-KARIN by Jaden Art (JadenArt)
Head Applier: Lara Hurley Alena Rose Pale by Lara Hurley
Tattoo: [White~Widow] DeadMan – Henna by Julie Hastings
Dress: Blueberry - Gwen - Maitreya/Belleza/Slink - Fat Pack by Blueberry (blueberryxx) @ Uber
Boots: REIGNREIGN.- Scarlett Boots- FATPACK by Oրհεlἶმ Kεղმძεε F. Rεἶցղ (kenadeecole) HALF OFF SALE TILL 12/27/2015!!
Necklace: +Half-Deer+ NEKOlace [Calico]by Halo (halogen.magic) HALF OFF SALE IN STORE TILL 12/27/2015!!!
Pose: :Picture This!: By Lantern Light 1 by Keliah (keliahangelis) (I cannot find anything about this pose store anymore. I'm sorry... )
First. Reign is having a half off sale! Its ONLY for this weekend so hurry your rear end over and grab up those shoes or boots you have been holding off on. Its even including those awesome boots that fit with the new Blueberry jeans! Now store credit can't be used or earned during this event but half off almost everything else in the store!
Second, this dress from Blueberry... oh honey. Comes with this huge hud. Panties optional. You can change the sweater, the fur, the buttons. Totally worth the fight to get into Uber!
The goods are below.
Now for the talky part!
As we are rounding off another year, I find myself rather glad to say goodbye to 2015. While I had a lot of good, I think I'll be embracing 2016 with open arms and hoping it goes a lot better. I made a few friends. I lost a few. I reconnected with some people and boy did I learn some hard lessons.
One of the biggest things I struggle with is leaving the past in the past. This is something I plan on working on in 2016. When someone leaves my life, I'll let them. When I make a mistake, I'll not over analyze it for the next 6 months.
The future is scary. I think the biggest reason is because it is unknown. Is this going to be the greatest thing over or the biggest mistake I ever made?
I have a few of the greatest friends ever. They are my guiding lights. They are there to help me when I'm scared to make my next move. My picture today isn't just a blog picture... but I'm looking out into the unknown... and I have my light.. My friends... to help me. (okay that was corny.)
But its kind of exciting too. A new year is a chance for a fresh start. Its a chance to leave the bullshit of 2015 behind. All the angst.. all the crap that you've went through. Leave it behind. Step into 2016 and think positive. Its not easy. I know I keep getting reminders of mistakes I made. But I just try to keep my head up. I do keep a lot inside. And very... very few people know just how bad its been lately for me. But going into 2016, I'm going to try to be a more positive person. One of my favorite things in the world:

While I will probably push out at least one if not two more posts before the new year.. .this is my 'resolution' post. So here's to a new, fresh start Puddins. Mwah!
♥Savvy Quinn♥

Hair: /Wasabi Pills/ Faith Mesh Hair - Candies Pack by MissAllSunday Lemon
Skin: Lara Hurley– Maitreya Skin Appliers by Lara Hurley
Head: LeLutka Mesh Head-KARIN by Jaden Art (JadenArt)
Head Applier: Lara Hurley Alena Rose Pale by Lara Hurley
Tattoo: [White~Widow] DeadMan – Henna by Julie Hastings
Dress: Blueberry - Gwen - Maitreya/Belleza/Slink - Fat Pack by Blueberry (blueberryxx) @ Uber
Boots: REIGNREIGN.- Scarlett Boots- FATPACK by Oրհεlἶმ Kεղმძεε F. Rεἶցղ (kenadeecole) HALF OFF SALE TILL 12/27/2015!!
Necklace: +Half-Deer+ NEKOlace [Calico]by Halo (halogen.magic) HALF OFF SALE IN STORE TILL 12/27/2015!!!
Pose: :Picture This!: By Lantern Light 1 by Keliah (keliahangelis) (I cannot find anything about this pose store anymore. I'm sorry... )
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