Just Like This?

Morning Dolls!

Today I have items from a few different events.

I have nothing witty or fun to say today as I can barely keep my eyes open but I did have a good time making this photo.
If you click it , it will take you through to FLickr and the quality will be nicer.
Remember all SLURLS are embedded in the BOLD colored lettering in the credits.
 Happy Shopping!
Ember ♥
Just like this ?

****Please Note ****

Some of these items are located at Events right now. 

If you see a second Hyperlinked name in the credit line.

( BOLD LETTERING Different colour) like this..

  • Thingy - | Store Name | Name of Thingy | Designer's Name | NAME OF EVENT

Take The Second TP!!!! ( Hyperlink)


  • Mesh Head - Genesis | Head_Lara_2.0 | By GenesisLab | GROUP GIFT 250L Join.
  • Mesh Body - Maitreya | Mesh Body - Lara | By Onyx LeShelle.
  • Body suit - [Decoy] | Lyx Bodysuit - Black | By Annette Voight | @ ROMP
  • Stockings - AviCandy | Thigh High Fishnets - Licorice | By Ashton Tryce.
  • Pose Stool  - Le Poppycock | *Sitting Pretty* Distant Music| By Olivia Lalonde.
