Gacha Guardians, Freebies and babbling

Ohhh, almost the end of the week! We can do this, hang in there!
RL has been crazy busy for me lately. I started this post yesterday and really wanted to get it done but well I had the pleasure of having my 2 yr old nephew over for a visit. It's funny, little boys are like mini Godzilla. If my house was not child proof before, it sure is now!

Anyway, this photo came about as I remembered seeing this sexy harness set in Wicca's Wardrobe Gacha machine over @ The Gacha Guardians this round.  This event runs till the 30th of Jan and if you join the Gimme Gacha Group (Touch the sign to join when you walk in) There are a ton of really good Free Gifts by almost each vendor!
Ember ♥ 


