Why don't you do right?
I'm not bad, I'm just drawn that way...
~Jessica Rabbit~
So Blueberry broke the grid when she released this dress. It's in a ton of different colors, you can have it completely lacy see through like I have or you can have it opaque. The fat pack has exclusive colors and panties and options, oh my!
I watched Who Framed Roger Rabbit the other day... and I got inspired :D
Also, Maitreya (FINALLY) updated her body to include bento hands! Not really showing them off here due to the gloves but I will soon!
Mwahs puddins
Savvy Quinn

Hair: Exile::Give and Take: 7. Wildcards by Kavar Cleanslate
Head: CATWA HEAD Lona by Catwa.Clip (Catwa Clip)
Head applier: [PF] Sabine – CATWA Head Applier by Mochi (Mochi Milena)
Body: Maitreya Mesh Body - Lara V4.0 – Lara V3.4 By Onyx LeShelle
Body applier: [PF] – MAITREYA Lara Applier (CURVY) by Mochi (Mochi Milena)
Eyeshadow: alaskametro<3 "Mariposa" eyeshadow - Catwa by Alaska Metropolitan
Lipstick: [PF] CATWA LIPSTICK Applier - Juicy Drop (Full + Dolly) by Mochi (Mochi Milena) (Feburary Powder Pack Exclusive)
Dress: Blueberry - Breeanya - Maitreya/Belleza/Slink - Fat Pack by Blueberry (Blueberryxx)
Gloves: [DHB] Latex long gloves - bento by 豪杰 (haojie86)
Pose/Prop: Purple Poses – Showtime – Pack 01 by Ⱥudrɇy – Purple Poses (audrey.guter
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fIXAT6fGUw4]
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